容器额定容积40 升
有效容积- 在入口水平时,180 mm:10 升 - 在入口垂直时:17 升
液压装置 S1Qmax = 14.2 m³/h, Hmax = 18 m
介质温度Tmax *高 40°C,短时间(*多 5 min)*高 65°C
电机功率- “E”规格: 230V,1~: 1.65 kW - “D”规格:400V,3~: 1.5 kW
运行模式S3-50%,*多开关 60 次/小时
作为完整组件提供球形 RFV 包括在供货范围内
液晶显示电控箱,自动 反馈系统,全自动控制 泵的启停,并故障报警。 控制箱内置蓄电池,停电也能报警。

德国KSB公司是世界的现代化的制造泵和阀门的大公司, 是世界上三家的泵阀制造公司之一,成立于1871年,是一家 国际性公司,总部位于德国弗兰肯塔尔市,属于总部直接管理的 包括德法境内共有六家工厂。在全球有38家资或合资的工厂, 100多家销售公司,代理商和驻地工程师,组成KSB集团。约有 员工16200人,产品技术为世界,产品种类广泛,其优越的 全面质量管理,在全球获得强有力的竞争地位。

Product benefits
▪ Safe and reliable operation ensured by control system
(LevelControl Basic 1 / LevelControl Basic 2)
▪ Check valve ensures low-noise pump operation and
normal, uninterrupted operation during maintenance
▪ Various positioning options and diameters make it easy to
adapt the unit to the most complicated of site conditions.
▪ Collecting tank with optimum volume/footprint ratio for
effective space utilisation
▪ Integrated, ergonomically designed grips for safe handling
during transport and installation
▪ Ready-to-connect, easy installation and commissioning
▪ Low noise level

mini-Compacta US (40 litres) / U (60 litres) / U (100 litres) /
UZ (150 litres):
▪ Impeller end: shaft seal ring
▪ Drive end: 1 shaft seal ring
▪ A grease fill is provided between the impeller-end and
drive-end shaft seals.
mini-Compacta US (100 litres) / UZS (150 litres) / variant C:
▪ Impeller end: mechanical seal
▪ Drive end: 1 shaft seal ring
▪ An oil reservoir, which is supplied filled with ecologically
acceptable white oil, is fitted between the impeller-end
and drive-end shaft seals.