容器额定容积40 升
有效容积- 在入口水平时,180 mm:10 升 - 在入口垂直时:17 升
液压装置 S1Qmax = 14.2 m³/h, Hmax = 18 m
介质温度Tmax *高 40°C,短时间(*多 5 min)*高 65°C
电机功率- “E”规格: 230V,1~: 1.65 kW - “D”规格:400V,3~: 1.5 kW
运行模式S3-50%,*多开关 60 次/小时
作为完整组件提供球形 RFV 包括在供货范围内
The lifting unit is provided with a variety of horizontal/vertical
inlet nozzles (1). The hydraulic system (3) pumps the fluid
handled into the vertical discharge line (8).
The fluid to be handled flows into the lifting unit through
horizontal/vertical inlet nozzles (1) and is collected in a gas,
odour and water-tight plastic tank (10). Controlled by a level
sensor (2) and control unit, either one or two pumps (3) are
started up automatically as soon as the defined fill level is
reached. The fluid is pumped off to a level above the flood
level, towards the public er.

铸铁电机,散热性能好, 连续工作时间长,IP68 防护等级,整机防水。

miniCompacta US1.40 简单并且全面 超紧凑的污水提升设备具备完整的功能,适用于小的安装空间理想适用于私人家庭 依据 EN12050-1:2015 简单、坚固、全面的污水提升设备(无 WC 输送器) 低噪音运行:噪声发射 ≤ 70dB(A) 理想适用于在 1 至 2 层以上输送污水 可插入 - 不需要电工安装 小型的全面提升设备,符合 EN12050-1 标准(由 KSB 提供)

Product benefits
▪ Safe and reliable operation ensured by control system
(LevelControl Basic 1 / LevelControl Basic 2)
▪ Check valve ensures low-noise pump operation and
normal, uninterrupted operation during maintenance
▪ Various positioning options and diameters make it easy to
adapt the unit to the most complicated of site conditions.
▪ Collecting tank with optimum volume/footprint ratio for
effective space utilisation
▪ Integrated, ergonomically designed grips for safe handling
during transport and installation
▪ Ready-to-connect, easy installation and commissioning
▪ Low noise level